
Joseph had a dream concerning his future; one day he would reign (Ref Gen. 37).

But the path Joseph was led on made it seem like the dream was impossible:

  • Joseph’s brothers hated him
  • He was thrown in a pit with no water
  • He was sold to slave traders
  • He was reported as dead
  • He was falsely accused and thrown in prison
  • He was let down by the very people he helped (Chief Butler).

But at the right moment, for the perfect time, Joseph’s life changed; Joseph was taken from the prison to the palace in the space of one day.

Joseph’s dream was fulfilled by being put in charge over all Egypt, where his brothers eventually bowed down before him when they needed his help.

What can we get from Joseph’s life?

PSLAM 105:19 says, “Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him.”

Joseph received a word from the Lord. But from the time the word was given, to the time it was fulfilled (13-year incubation period) the Lord tested Joseph:

  • Joseph’s obedience
  • Joseph’s character
  • Joseph’s patience
  • Joseph’s faith and trust in His word

Through testing, God gives us the opportunity to affirm our resolve to obey Him. Resolve means, “A strong determination to do something.”

Do you have a dream in God? Are you sitting on a word from the Lord concerning your future, or current circumstance?

How determined are you to see it through?  Do you have “strong determination” to see it through?

Or did it sound like a good thing when you first received it, but through the “testing of the word” you decided to give up and run?

Whether you like it or not, until the time the word comes to pass in your life, the word of the Lord will test you. Like Joseph, you will be taken through fire, through purging, and through refining, to prepare you for the fulfilling of the word.

So, the decision is yours, are you going to give up and run? Or are you going to press on to that which you have been called in Christ Jesus; trusting what God has spoken regarding you, shall be brought to pass.

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