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Get ready for a revival of Fire…

Today’s popular Christian message speaks of the abundant grace found only in Jesus Christ; this is true. But unfortunately, this same message can be void of the sanctifying fire and holiness of God which is imperative to the true Gospel of Christ.

In addition, many people have been deceived by the enemy and lukewarm preachers who have not passed through His Fire, that the level we are functioning at in the Church today is the highly anointed, glory filled level of God. Well, in many cases this couldn’t be further from the truth.

But things are about to change, as the next true revival of God is imminent. A powerful revival where the Body of Christ will be Baptized in Holy Spirit Fire. Becoming awakened, sanctified, purged, purified, and empowered; made ready for the return of the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.

The Baptism of Fire…

John the Baptist said, “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:11)

If you have a deep desire to serve Jesus Christ in power and revival, then you cannot deny this Baptism of Fire in your life.

You may be asking yourself these questions:


      • What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire?
      • Who is the Holy Spirit?
      • Why am I suffering such great affliction and anxiety?
      • Why can’t I find the liberating freedom I read about in the Bible?
      • How do I break free from addiction?
      • If there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus (See Romans 8:1), then why do I feel so undone and condemned a lot of the time?
      • Why are my relationships falling away?
      • How do I become empowered with the Holy Spirit?
      • Will I ever fulfil my purpose?
      • Is Jesus still with me? Does He even care for me?

In “Turning wine into Living Water; the Baptism of Fire” it is my purpose to explain and lead you through an honest journey of what the “Baptism of Fire” is and awaken you to Kingdom principles that will dethrone the enemy’s tactics and hold on your life; allowing you to break forth in Holy Spirit power. It is my heart to encourage you to persevere through hardship and trial, and help you discern between good and evil, so you can see the promises of God established in your life.

This timely book is like no other, and is making a significant, positive impact on the reader. It is for anyone hungry for revival, for those in need of personal breakthrough, and for those desiring the strength of heart to lift the name of Jesus Christ; being used mightily to destroy the powers of darkness holding the world in captivity and deception.

My friend now is the time to prepare and get equipped in the Holy Spirit. For it is time for the “Baptism of Fire” to set the Church alight, setting the captive free and becoming empowered with Holy Spirit Power and Fire for the end time harvest of souls.


I have absolutely no doubt that you were led by God’s Holy Spirit to write in such a fantastic manner. ‘Turning Wine Into Living Water; The Baptism of Fire’ is a book that has been amazingly blessed by God – in the way it is written, and the areas of Christian living that we learn about.

(J.C – New Zealand)


“This book is an answer to years of anguish and prayer. It has given me keys, practical teaching and hope which has bought healing and release from years of oppression.”

(Reader – Australia)


“I am one who does not like to read, but this is one book I could not put down.”

(Reader – New Zealand)


“I was truly captivated by the honest writings of Shaun Hickey. He takes the reader into his life, through his testimony. I couldn’t put this book down… I found this book to be full of solid content, as Shaun included many comprehensive chapters of Holy Spirit teaching.”

(Reader – New Zealand)


“It should be on the shelves of hundreds of people, for there is so much to learn from it… I am awesomely grateful to God who has led you into this amazing book being published.”

(Reader – New Zealand)


“I finished your book on Saturday and wow! All I can say is wowwwwww!”

(Reader – New Zealand)


“I believe that many people need to read this book… It is a message that is greatly needed today.”

(Rodney W. Francis – Founder/Director: The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry)

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