
During constant Lockdowns in Melbourne, I set a goal to train, and run my first half marathon (21.1km) – coming back from a serious knee injury, this was going to be quite the challenge.

First, I got comfortable again at 5km, then increased the distance to 7km, then 10km… 12km… 15km…

Every small increase was a challenge:

  • My body would scream, STOP!
  • Fear would strike my mind; that my knee/body could not handle this extra demand; that I was not a gifted runner; I had never been this far before…
  • There were continual doubts and setbacks.

Determined to reach the goal, I pressed on. And as the uncomfortable km’s clocked-up, my ENDURANCE level began to increase; enabling me to break through barrier’s aI had never been able to do previously.

Long story short…

I had to overcome some very challenging ‘strong-holds’ in my mind. I had to endure many long, lonely runs. I had to be intentional with my training and study the process. I had to deny myself, eat right, and refuse to listen to negative feelings.

And in due course I reached my goal! Smashing out my first half marathon in the time of 1:42:34 (my goal was 2hrs) ALL GLORY TO JESUS!

To some this is a minor achievement. But coming back from where I’d begun – not being able to run 20 meters without knee swelling/pain – this was a massive achievement.

Now when I run a regular 7km, or 10km, it’s like ‘a walk in the park.’

Why? Because my ENDURANCE has increased to a level far beyond my initial unchallenged limit.


The Lord has given us promises He intends to bring to pass. These promises can come through a prophetic word, reading the word, hearing from Holy Spirit etc.

At first excitement kicks in, expecting these things to come to pass immediately. But as the test and process of time places strain upon our faith and ENDURANCE level, we become fatigued in our hope to see these promises fulfilled; many become disgruntled with feelings of negativity, pain, and failure.

Through testing we must decide:

  1. Do we press on?

Allowing the Lord to lead us in unfamiliar ways, places, situations, hardships, challenges, sacrifice, wilderness, and invisible steps of faith that we never envisaged – A process intentionally put in place to increase our ENDURANCE, to prepare and enable us to fulfil the promises on our life.

2. Do we give up?

Lowering our faith level through spiritual/physical fatigue; giving up all hope for the greater promises to come to pass; bowing down to invisible fear hindering breakthrough, keeping us locked in our comfort zones – All because we do not allow Jesus to stretch and lead us through barriers of ENDURANCE never broken before.


In the quest to fulfil the promises of God, what do you choose today? Press on, or give up? This is a decision that needs to be made daily.

The word of God says: “For you have need of ENDURANCE, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:36).

There are no shortcuts in developing ENDURANCE, and there are no shortcuts to fulfilling the promises of God!

You must walk-out the will of God… At times you may need to wait, you may need to fight, you may need to run, you may be uncertain, you may not always see the destination…

But know this… Jesus is developing something you may not yet see or discern.

This ‘something’ is called ENDURANCE:

  1. The ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way
  2. The capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear.

The Apostle Paul wrote: “More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces ENDURANCE, and ENDURANCE produces character, and character produces hope” (Romans 5:3-4).

  • ENDURANCE is part of the journey in character development; character produces hope
  • Suffering is part of the process for producing ENDURANCE
  • Jesus must increase our ENDURANCE capacity, so we can fulfil His promises (see Hebrews 10:36)
  • Every increase in ENDURANCE will take mental strength, determination, and faith
  • The pain and weakness you feel at times, is building ENDURANCE
  • His silence produces ENDURANCE
  • Feelings of loneliness produce ENDURANCE
  • Moments of decrease produce ENDURANCE
  • ENDURANCE does not always mean ‘workload’ – ENDURANCE is also developed in times of ‘waiting’


Jesus will lead you through a process of ENDURANCE; to develop your character and lead you in promise.

You may feel like you’re running on empty, that you can’t go any further. But I assure you, with Christ you can.

Jesus will take you to unchartered depths to increase your capacity to endure, to serve, to love, and to walk in His power – in ways you never thought possible. And you need to be assured: If you couldn’t handle it, He wouldn’t do it. He see’s strength in you, and you will overcome.

So, with ENDURANCE in mind, press on. Trust in the Lord and trust the process. Persevere in hope and faith. Stay the course, continue running the race, fulfil the promises!

Hebrews 12:1 ~ “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with ENDURANCE the race that is set before us.”


  • For further encouragement, please follow us on Facebook