
For the last few years I have focused my prayer on two points:

  1. Lord, bring me the worst of society; the people who have been cast out, rejected, and left, and let’s build them into a strong army, like King David’s men.
  2. Make me so strong that I will be able to stand on any altar, where any demon can manifest, and I will not buckle in fear, setting the captives free.

I can’t say too much on this platform, but God is answering this prayer.

It has been challenging, testing my faith in His presence and protection.

It has taken me deep within, revealing my true strength and character.

There have been moments when I wanted to run; I wanted to turn back.

But Scripture says, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). So, we must trust in Him in every season and press forward.

Jesus is the Master Potter, we are clay. He chooses the season. He shows us the path.

Every day has been a reminder that we are not our own; we have been brought at a price.

Galatians 2:20 ~ “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

The Holy Spirit places certain prayers on our heart for a reason: To pray in a new season.

When that season comes, we must remember we have been brought at a price and our lives are no longer our own.

I could spend every day preaching in comfortable places, but this is not the life Jesus lived.

Jesus went to the worst. He confronted the religious and proud. He did what was dangerous. He preached the Kingdom of God.

Jesus gave everything to save this dying world. So, we must trust in Him, being obedient to His voice, and we must do the same.

Some seasons may be challenging, but we must trust Him. As these seasons are preparing us for something greater.

For I know where He is leading: The altar of revival.

And I know what He is doing: Forming the vessel.

Something to consider:

  • What season are you in?
  • Are you resisting a new season?
  • Are you excited for this new season?

Trust Him. Hang on and let Him hold on to you. With Christ you will make it, and His glory will be revealed.

Stay Blessed

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