

It is easy to focus on moments of failure. It is easy to ‘beat ourselves up’ with mistakes that were made. And at times it may feel easier to give up trying when we have let ourselves down…once again.

However, when your life is in Jesus Christ (the True and Living God), there will always be something to celebrate… Because even though Jesus is aware of your failings and weaknesses, He is not one who is quick to punish or put down.

Amongst the mess, Jesus sees and rejoices in your victories, even the small ones. You may overlook them, but Jesus doesn’t:

  • Jesus sees the way you tried
  • Jesus sees your self-denial
  • Jesus sees your service
  • Jesus sees your growth
  • Jesus sees what you did good
  • Jesus sees the ‘good’ in you, the ‘good’ you may be overlooking.

GENESIS 1:31 ~ “Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.”

If you are one to look back, don’t just look at your mess, start looking at the good Jesus sees in you, because there will be good, and you will have something good to celebrate.

If you are struggling to look past the mess, then you need to remember that ‘He is good’, that He is the God of mercy, forgiveness, and compassion, and He is only too willing to give you another chance to do good:

LAMENTATIONS 3:22-23 ~ “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”

Knowing that fresh mercies are available every morning, and that He does see the good in you… it’s time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, put it under the blood, trust in Him, and move forward.

Jesus still loves you, He still cares for you, and He will continue to lead you forward in goodness.

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